Follow our methods to fix this random power plan issue. Windows 10 power plan keeps changing to high performance: In this power plan configuration automatically gets switched to high performance.We have included some causes below for your reference. The actual cause behind this can be a minor system glitch while updating or resetting. Other things like getting into Power saver mode without even doing so, low or high brightness level among many more. As per the user, it switches to other power plans by itself. Under this when a user updates or resets their system, power plan settings start changing automatically. Final Words: Conclusion Windows 10 Power Plan Keeps Changing: Problem Overview.Tips To Avoid Windows 10 Power Plan Keeps Changing.Go for Disabling the Link Power Management.Steps To Fix Windows 10 Power Plan Keeps Changing.Check on the Configuration of your Antivirus software.Windows 10 Power Plan Keeps Changing: Related Problems.

Windows 10 Power Plan Keeps Changing: Problem Overview.