But if Hilltop’s inhabitants have proven themselves to be this much trouble – and by this point, “killing Saviors” might as well be listed as a hobby on their Tinder profiles – why not simply wipe them out and replace them with some loyal Savior droogs? Negan needs the supplies the Hilltop provides. The point Negan’s capacity to forgive became ridiculous was in his leniency towards Maggie, Jesus, some bloke called Neil and the rest of the Hilltop convoy. Another pass here.Įzekiel and The Mary Chain Photograph: Gene Page/AMC

It’s feasible Negan sees them as easy marks people who’d fall under his dictatorship pliantly and without incident. They follow a man called Ezekiel, who is king because he decided one day to proclaim himself King. I also bought his mercy with regards to the Kingdomers. The number of second chances Negan is willing to offer those who cross him is becoming ridiculous (more on this later), but he needs people to work for him, so. Carl stepped up the plate of de facto camp leader well, throwing Negan off the scent long enough to allow the convoy to break free, while secreting the most vulnerable inhabitants in some sewers, that apparently now exist. If you can look past the mystery of how his Saviors reached Alexandria with all their organs still inside them, its destruction was fairly satisfying.

His megaphoned whistle over Alexandria’s fence came with a sense of foreboding he’s struggled to muster in previous episodes, when he’s clumsily oscillated between a desperate and damaged bully, and someone who loves talking about genitals and bottoms more than he loves anything else. Nevertheless, Negan grabbed his opportunity to shine with both hands, and the man does know how to make an entrance. It was like someone had turned over two pages at once. We were just asked to accept The Saviors were back, undiminished, armed to the teeth with bullets they didn’t have last week, and on the warpath. At no point was it ever explained how this happened, besides “Eugene did it”. Case in point: The Saviors’ escape from their besieged compound, and their seemingly instantaneous planning and execution of an intricate, multi-pronged retaliatory assault. On the other hand, time and events whizz by so fast they don’t stick, small details like “making sense” tossed absently by the wayside. On one hand, there have been no interminably, soul-meltingly boring episodes. The show’s breakneck pacing this season has proven both a blessing and a curse.