Saved the game at this point and killed everyone in the town with a two hander. Character had 140 in two handed and zero weapon mastery to start. Testing was done with a cheated imported character going super easy solo on a town (350 defenders). So pick a number say 260 and then minus 60 to 80 points from it, that's as low as your weapon mastery should be if you want to hit that target it in a reasonable time frame. If that same character had 1 in weapon mastery (soft 100) they could have gained 27 point, with 2 weapon mastery (Soft 140) 43 points. You only have to keep weapon mastery 1 point ahead of the cap to get full benefit from it.įor example with 140 proficiency and 0 weapon mastery (Soft cap of 60) only 19 points were gained from around 350 murders, where as someone with sufficient weapon mastery to not hit soft cap could gain 76 points for roughly the same damage. When you hit the soft cap a penalty is applied that gets worse and worse the further you get from the soft cap. Weapon mastery simply removes the penalty for hitting the soft cap. If you have 100 in one handed weapons it does not matter if you have 2 or 10 weapon mastery the next 40 points of proficiency will be gained at the same rate. Summary is, weapon mastery does not "technically" increase rate of proficiency gains.

Vanilla Warband wanted to know how Weapon mastery worked, Google was not being helpful so did a little testing.